Chee Sau Fen
Designer and Founder
Heads of State Millinery
Sau Fen never received any formal training in art and design, but that hasn’t stopped her from earning prestigious recognition for her millinery creations, both at home and abroad—including commissioned work for Crown Princess Mary of Denmark. Beyond millinery, she has also won design awards for Visual Merchandising. The self-taught designer has built her success by continuously learning new skills; first by collaboratingworking alongside with artists at the Singapore Art Museum, then by venturing into fashion, and immersing herself in fashion design, merchandising and marketing as a scholar of Singapore's Textile and Fashion FederationIndustry Training Centre ( Sau Fen is not one to rest on her achievements; she now plans to develop her skills further, and to be a mentor to other craftersmakers. Learning from traditional European milliners and collaborating with them traditional European millinery is her next goal, along with creating a network of regional craftsmen with a global perspective. She sees herself as a designer-educator who—through speaking engagements, design workshops and lectures—aims to inspire a new generation of craftsmen to champion heritage crafts.

Fang Weai, Tracy
Senior Training and Development Manager
Wing Tai Retail Management Pte Ltd
Tracy Fang Weai has been cultivating a culture of service excellence at Wing Tai Retail Management Pte Ltd in her career with the company. Her work involves building retail knowledge and competencies, identifying staff training needs and implementing the company’s retail training plan, as well as adopting effective organisational development practices. As a company trainer for over decades, she has been instrumental in upholding Wing Tai Retail’s status as a Singapore Workforce Skills Qualifications (WSQ) Approved Training Organisation and Certified On-the- job Training Centre. Recognized for her success in skills deepening and establishing the company’s comprehensive training infrastructure, Tracy was featured in the Retail Sectoral Manpower Plan launch video and was appointed Business Excellence Assessor by SPRING Singapore. With an MBA in Retailing, Tracy plans to further pursue two programmes viz. Harvard University’s “Leadership Coaching Strategies” and “Retail’s BIG Show”, the National Retail Federation’s Annual Convention & EXPO. Tracy currently oversees training of over 2,000 staff in the company’s stores in Singapore and Malaysia, leading by example a journey of lifelong learning.

Choo Yilin
CEO and Founder
Choo Yilin Artisan Jewellery Pte Ltd
Pursuing her desire to develop her creative talents, Choo Yilin made the brave leap from political analyst to jewellery designer. Without the security of established networks, she worked with Northern Thailand’s hill tribe artisans, learning techniques that gave her work its own distinctive style: jade woven with intricate metalwork. Her collection has won international design awards and has been showcased at the Paris Fashion Week and the London Jewellery Week. As CEO of her own company, she has honed her skills in international business development, financial valuation, and high-level negotiations by engaging an executive coach and attending C-suite management workshops. She places equal importance on empowering her team to upgrade their skills, measuring herself and her team on a set of behavioural competencies, investing in employee training programs, and rewarding competency improvements. In her effort to support craftsmanship and mentor young talent, she launched the Women of Choo Yilin (WOCYL) programme, which gives young women the chance to join her team in working on specific portfolio while picking up key leadership skills. She has also served as a mentor for CRIB Society, London Business School, and INSEAD alumni.

Fatimah Binte Mohsin
Working Director
Fatimah Mohsin The Wedding Gallery Pte Ltd
An established figure in the world of bridal fashion, Fatimah Binte Mohsin encourages interested women in the field to provide quality make-up services to their clients. Fatimah graduated in fashion merchandising but furthered her qualification with a Diploma in Professional Make-up at Cosmoprof Academy, and a Certificate in Professional and Bridal Make-up. She has been recognized by MegaXpress International as Best Make-up Artist (1998) and by Pesta Perdana as Best Stylist (2013, 2015). An accredited trainer for SkillsFuture@PA courses on basic bridal make-up and bridal hairstyling, Fatima plans to take it further to become a registered Singapore Workforce Skills Qualifications (WSQ) trainer by taking the Advanced Certificate in Training Assessment course. Her other goals include taking international courses in advanced make-up technique, and studying cosmetic science to equip her for her planned foray into cosmetic production. On top of these efforts, Fatima believes in sharing her skills via workshops, bridal and personal grooming courses, and setting up a social enterprise called Make-up Academy, in order to provide training and work opportunities to disadvantaged women. Her grant application for this venture has been shortlisted in Raise's Venture for Good.

Han Tat Toon
Master Technical Specialist
SBS Transit Ltd
Starting as Vehicle Mechanic at SBS Transit Ltd in 1979, Tat Toon rose through the ranks to become a Master Technical Specialist today. Through training programmes and leadership courses over the years, he has built up his expertise in troubleshooting, maintenance and staff management. Recognized for his job proficiency, Tat Toon was appointed On-The- Job Training (OJT) Trainer as he completed the Workplace Trainer Programme, making him a certified OJT trainer. He also attended safety management courses in order to effectively conduct risk assessments and propose preventive measures. To advance further in his company as a bus engineering specialist, Tat Toon plans to acquire deeper technical and leadership skills – the former, to stay relevant in the automotive sector, and the latter, to become a better coach and trainer. He wants to develop the skills of new employees, and as a supervisor, he wants to encourage his staff to acquire new skills while inspiring his colleagues to embrace lifelong learning so as to stay relevant to the industry.
Lee Jek Chong, Gary
Head and Senior Principal Audiologist
Ng Teng Fong General Hospital
Throughout his career, from a Process Engineer at Sony Electronics to an academic expert at Temasek Polytechnic, Gary Lee has leveraged his expertise in electronics and audiology to help improve lives. At the Bionic Ear Institute, he contributed to Digital Noise Reduction algorithms, which were later adopted by the industry. A two-time President of the Society for Audiology Professionals Singapore, he has helped shaped the Audiology profession, and has executed collaborative projects such as the Video Visual Response Audiometry System, which was licensed to Surgipro Pte Ltd. An avid learner, he studied the management of hearing disorders like tinnitus, hyperacusis, and misophonia at Dineen Westcott Moore Audiology, Australia. Currently, he is pursuing his Doctorate of Audiology through the University of Florida’s distance-learning programme. Gary also received a Teaching Excellence Award at Temasek Polytechnic where he has been a lecturer for over 13 years, spearheading Singapore’s first tertiary Audiology subject for full-time students and the Professional Certificate in Basic Industrial Audiometry course. Alongside, he helped set up an in-house audiometric test booth and hearing-aid dispensing facility for students and professionals to acquire hands-on skills. Serving as a lecturer for the NUS Audiology programme, Gary is currently developing competency frameworks for audiology professionals.

Lee Lee Sian
Senior Occupational Therapist, Clinical Educator Lead
Institute of Mental Health
Lee Sian’s 11 years of experience in Mental Healthcare and Clinical Education are defined by her passion and an unending thirst for knowledge. These are clearly reflected in her research and education journey, from degree programme in Occupational Therapy to training in Dementia Design. In 2015, she received the Health Manpower Development Mental Health Award, and she proceeded to Hammondcare, Australia to take up Dementia Design. Lee Sian attempts and explores new areas of combined interventions that would significantly improve her patients’ conditions and life situations. An example is the Song Reminiscence Project with senior citizens in nursing homes and day care facilities. To improve her patients’ mobility and functionality, she collaborated with vendor and designed comfort seating device in her self-sponsored studies in Gerontological Design at Temasek Polytechnic. Lee Sian’s passion for teaching does not go unnoticed. Since 2014, she is the Clinical Educator Lead for Allied Health at the Institute of Mental Health. This role allows her to further shape the delivery and quality of teaching and mentorship, from her peers to aspiring Allied Health students. Her efforts were recognised with the National Healthcare Group Teaching Excellence Award (Senior Allied Health Educators) in 2015. Lee Sian also works closely with the Health Outcomes and Medical Education Research (HOMER). In 2016, her collaboration with HOMER in clinical education research on professional identity won the Best Poster Award at the Singapore Health & Biomedical Congress. On the community fringe, Lee Sian has served as Vice President for the Singapore Association of Occupational Therapists from 2014 to 2016, and was the advisor to the Organizing Committee for the National Occupational Therapy Conference 2017. She regularly volunteers to provide skills training for caregivers, supporting them to take better care of patients with depression and dementia. Currently, Lee Sian is pursuing her Master’s in Ageing at the University of Melbourne.

Lim Boon Long
Chief Bus Captain
SBS Transit Ltd
Ever since he joined SBS Transit as a Bus Captain in 1990, Boon Long has never wavered in his pursuit of self-development. He has attended various training programs—technical training, upgrading driving skills to ensure road safety, customer service training to enhance quality service delivery, and service route training which enabled him to drive a total of 15 routes. His next goal is to enhance his leadership and people management skills, in order to better guide his team in adjusting to new operations and resolving issues. He also plans to take on more driving courses to understand the problems his team encounters, and to undergo technology-related courses to better adapt to his company’s move toward automation. To his team, Boon Long is a mentor who shares tips and helpful advice with juniors, encouraging them to learn from one another through shared experiences, and cultivating a strong culture of self-improvement and skills mastery.

Lye Wai Yu, Jacqueline
St James’ Church Kindergarten
Jacqueline is an educator in the Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) sector, with 20 years of experience and well-recognised management skills. Under her leadership, St James’ Church Kindergarten saw student enrolment grow from 270 to 1,400 students. She was also integral to multiple awards that the Kindergarten has achieved from the Association for Early Childhood Educators (Singapore) and Early Childhood Development Agency (ECDA), in recognition for the high-quality teaching and earning programmes, innovative projects, and outstanding teachers. A recipient of the ECDA Outstanding Early Childhood Leader Award and an appointed ECDA Fellow, Jacqueline aspires to acquire skills that would enable her to conduct leadership empowerment programmes similar to Principal Matters. She also aims to obtain certification for administering psychometric tests, and to step up her leadership skills by interning at Sequioa Group. Currently, she is an adjunct professor at Wheelock College, an associate lecturer at Ngee Ann Polytechnic, a mentor at the Anglican Kindergartens and Childcare Centres, and a trainer of other ECCE professionals. She spearheaded the establishment of a Pre-school Practicum Centre within her kindergarten, and hopes to continue coaching ECCE leaders to nurture a strong culture of learning, skills development, and effective mentoring.

Mohamad Nazir bin Sani
O&M Supt-Technical Training
Senoko Energy Pte Ltd
Mohamad Nazir bin Sani has 15 years of experience in Operations, marked throughout by a strong resolve to upskill himself on both technical and organizational functions. He attended the On-The- Job Training (OJT) Instructor course, obtained the Singapore Workforce Skills Qualifications (WSQ) Advanced Certificate in Training and Assessment (ACTA), earned a Diploma in Employment Relations, and undertook further studies in Human Resource Management at Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS). Managing more than 150 officers under his wing while performing the tasks of the union’s Branch Chairman, Nazir aspires to attain skills in multi-tasking, change management, and training and development. He also plans to review his ACTA training modules, pursue a Masters in Human Capital at SUSS, and attain a Professional Diploma in Employment at the Ong Teng Cheong Labour Leadership Institute. Along with constantly developing his skills, Nazir continues to enable others as well—overseeing the training of interns, scholar attachments, and training programme updates as an OJT trainer, and tracking the training needs and developing the leadership skills of union leaders.

Muhamad Fadil S/O Abu Bakar
Customer Service Trainer
Muhamad Fadil has an impeccable 17-year record of zero complaints at SATS Ltd, where he started as Customer Service Agent and rose through the ranks to become a Customer Service Trainer. He is a three-time recipient of the Excellent Service Award, a national award that recognises individuals who deliver quality service, and a winner of the SATS Group PCEO Award for his outstanding contributions to SATS Ltd. Throughout his career in customer service, Muhamad Fadil has equipped himself with diverse competencies by taking courses in adult education and training, customer service, and airline-specific training programmes. As a member of the Executive Council of SATSWU and Chairman of the Passenger Services Division, he has gained knowledge of industrial and employment relations, completed the Basic and Intermediate Certificates in Industrial Relations, and taken the “Understanding our Employment Act” course. With his sights set on becoming a Senior Trainer, he plans to take courses in customer service, people management, and social work, as he continues to share his knowledge as a frontline officer and trainer to customer service personnel, and to encourage union members and colleagues to tap on SkillsFuture initiatives for their development.
Narayanasamy Pushpavalli
Ramakrishna Mission Sarada Kindergarten
For Narayanasamy Pushpavalli, pursuing her dream was worth the mid-career switch from a Human Resources administrator to an Early Childhood educator. First, she gained the competencies of a trainee teacher, then obtained certification to become a pre-school educator. Now, after years of hard work and grit, she has taken on the role of Principal at Ramakrishna Mission Sarada kindergarten, where she leads a team of 30 teachers serving 500 students. An exemplary ECCE professional, she is an Early Childhood Development Agency (ECDA) Fellow, and a member of the Wings Counseling Centre Executive Committee and the Association of Early Childhood Educators. Narayanasamy aspires to work with other ECCE leaders and gain a more comprehensive understanding of different ECCE approaches by attending related conferences. She also hopes to acquire deeper reflection and facilitation skills as she serves as an adjunct lecturer, as well as a guest speaker at Ngee Ann Polytechnic’s School of Humanities, Wheelock College, and SEED Institute. Her next goal is to mentor ECCE principals, particularly those in leadership roles. Devoted to the professional development of others, she continuously builds the capabilities of her team of teachers and, by presenting papers at research conferences, drives the entire sector forward.
Neo Chin Wei
Shoemaker, Designer, Founder
Guild Of Crafts Pte Ltd
After working for six years as a shoe repairer, Neo Chin Wei decided to expand his skills and learn the craft of shoemaking by reading books, scouring internet resources, and undertaking an apprenticeship with a master shoemaker in Hungary. Equipped with a new set of skills, he started making bespoke, high-quality handmade shoes, eventually launching his own brand Ed Et Al Shoemakers, which has gained international and local attention. In pursuit of mastering his craft, Neo Chin Wei, intends to take shoemaking courses overseas and explore allied trades like designing bags and leather goods. He plans to set up a shoemaking school and a larger workshop in Singapore, to educate and inspire the next generation of craftsmen. For now, he oversees the design and production processes, and provides opportunities for staff training, empowering them to be masters in their respective fields. One of his staff members was certified as a Qualified Shoe Fitter by the Society of Shoe Fitters in the UK—an expertise not many shoe companies possess among their frontline staff—showing how Chin Wei’s constant pursuit of mastery inspires those around him.

Ng Swee San
Screenwriters Association (Singapore)
Award-winning screenwriter Swee San received top honours for her work at the 18 th Asian Television Awards and the National Scriptwriting Competition. A prolific writer, she has written scripts for local prime-time dramas, children’s shows, infotainment programmes, documentaries, and full-length plays, and has recently published a children’s book. To further hone her writing skills, she pursued a Master of Fine Arts degree at NYU Tisch School of the Arts, supplementing it with Singapore Media Academy’s screenwriting classes and a course on Co-Producing for the International Marketplace. A lecturer for more than 8 years at LASALLE College of the Arts, Ngee Ann Polytechnic, and Temasek Polytechnic, she has mentored more than 300 film students, one of whom was a National Arts Council awardee who named Swee San as one of his inspiring mentors. Currently, Swee San is collaborating with Workforce Singapore on a Professional Conversion Programme to equip screenwriters and other media professionals for game writing. Her writing workshop for the public under the Info- Communications Media Development Authority (IMDA) was so successful that IMDA has engaged her to design and conduct a story workshop for its Human Capital Division.

Pek Lian Guan
CEO and Executive Director
Tiong Seng Holdings Limited
Starting his career at Tiong Seng Holdings Limited, Pek Lian Guan rose through the ranks to become the company’s Chief Executive Officer, winning awards along the way for quality, safety, innovation, and environmental sustainability. His skills proficiency and wealth of experience have been recognised through various appointments on private and public-sector committees—National Productivity and Continuing Education Council, BCA Engineering Design Safety Awards Committee, Applied Study in Polytechnic and ITE Review Steering Committee, and the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce. A staunch believer in technology as the main driver of growth, Lian Guan constantly updates himself with the latest technologies by taking up courses and establishing new business partnerships. He opens the same opportunities for learning to all staff at Tiong Seng, investing, in 2016 alone, over S$590,000 to train and upgrade their 1,848 employees. Overseas immersion programmes and joint ventures with quality international organisations are also part of Tiong Seng’s staff development initiatives, and the company has leadership programmes in place to identify and groom talent at all levels. Apart from championing skills development, Lian Guan leads the company’s efforts to embrace emerging technologies that enhance productivity as well as environmental sustainability.

Rama Kerisna
dnata Singapore Pte Ltd
Rama Kerisna proves that one’s starting point alone does not define one’s potential. Starting as a Security Officer at dnata Singapore, he took on various roles in Ground Handling Operations and rose to be a Duty Manager. He made it possible by continuously upgrading his skills through various courses, earning a Singapore Workforce Skills Qualifications Certificate in Security Operations, gaining proficiency in International Air Transport Association (IATA) Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR), and strengthening his IT and presentation skills. As he transformed himself with layers of expertise, Rama was appointed as a Trainer for courses like Human Factor and Airside Safety, Airfield Rules and Regulations, and DGR. His contributions towards developing aviation workers were recently recognized by the Second Minister for Transport, Ng Chee Meng. Rama now plans to take on the challenged of Internal Audit, and to widen his training scope by completing the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations Quality Specialist Diploma, equip himself with audit skills, conduct all categories of DGR training, and learn conversational Mandarin to communicate more effectively with his diverse teams. Always a mentor to his colleagues, Rama has conducted on-the- job training for new staff, New Hire Orientations, and will soon be coaching dnata trainers to become certified DGR trainers.

Ajayan Ramachandran
Regional Head of People Development
Infineon Technologies Asia Pacific Pte Ltd
As the Regional Head of People Development at Infineon Technologies Asia Pacific Pte Ltd, Ajayan Ramachandran has made significant contributions to the company’s Learning & Development processes. He drove the creation of On-The- Job training (OJT) blueprints, helped the company obtain ITE-accreditation as an OJT Centre and an Approved Training Centre for Autonomous Maintenance, and in past three years had designed and delivered over 50 sessions of different training programs involving over 500 participants, besides grooming a pool of in-house trainers. His achievements have catapulted his scope of responsibilities from local to regional, and he now oversees the development of 17,000 employees across the APAC region. Looking ahead, Ajayan aspires to offer consultancy to employees within his company and be a mentor to SMEs. He plans to be proficient in conducting personality profiling to improve the organisation’s talent search process and enhancing personal effectiveness of an employee. To achieve these goals, he is pursuing courses on being accredited as Certified Coaching and Mentoring Professional besides also being a qualified practitioner in series of personality profiling and psychometric tools like Hogan Assessment, Insights, DISC etc. Ajayan Ramachandran’s contributions have gone beyond his company—he also led SkillsFuture Singapore’s workgroup on the development of Skills Framework for the Electronics sector, and mentored students from polytechnic and has ambitious plans to further coach and mentor a greater community of learning enthusiasts. But Ajayan sees himself not as the one who discovers the strength within people rather he sees his trainings as a trigger: “Leadership starts with yourself! Learning more about yourself and knowing your blind spots is the foundation for success – not only for the company but also towards building personal effectiveness!” Be your own CLO – Chief Learning Officer, that is the message he has for every employee in pursuit of learning
Rossli Bin Abdul Rahim
Designation Senior Trainer (Staff Sergeant)
Throughout his career in Security Operations, spanning 16 years, Rossli Bin Abdul Rahim has consistently received praise for his excellent performance from clients and passengers alike. When his temporary posting at the SATS Training Section gave Rossli the chance to coach others, it motivated him to obtain an Advanced Certificate in Training and Assessment to upskill himself as trainer. When he was permanently posted at the Training Section, he received commendation for teamwork and dedication from the Commissioner of Police. Age poses no barrier to learning for Rossli—at 46, he went for a Diploma in Adult and Continuing Education, and obtained his Range Conducting Officer certification for training security personnel. Moving forward, there are many more courses he aspires to pursue—a Degree in Security Management, an International Civil Aviation Organization Professional Management Course for Train-The- Trainers, a Certificate in Supervisory Management, and an Aviation Security Course for Train-The- Trainers—courses crucial to his goal of becoming a Station Inspector and, subsequently, an Inspector. Along his learning journey, Rossli encourages his colleagues to take courses whenever possible to develop themselves, and helps his fellow trainers undertake and obtain their ACTA certification.

Sim Tzi Yong
Transfer Pricing Geo Leader, EMEA, Asia-Pacific & Japan
A well-recognized thought leader in the field of taxation, Tzi Yong currently leads transfer-pricing functions at IBM business units across multiple regions. He holds the position of President of Tax Executive Institute, Asia; stands as an industry representative at the Singapore Industry Chamber of Commerce; and has authored several books on taxation. To complement his immense expertise in taxation, he has studied law and economics, and continues his pursuit of knowledge, particularly about emerging areas of the digital economy. He plans to conduct research on digital economy taxation, and to acquire aid from leading global universities like Harvard and New York University. Committed to sharing his knowledge, he is now working on a book on digital economy taxation across Asia. Tzi Yong has also shared his expertise as a lecturer at University of Leiden, Singapore University of Social Sciences, and Singapore Tax Academy, and led the creation of the Tax Executive Institute Asia Fellowship programme where senior board members act as mentors to mid-career tax professionals.

Tan Hee Meng, Heman
Chief Culinary Officer
Samsui Group Industry Food Services
Heman Tan built his career on a wide range of culinary experiences—from a Research and Development Chef at Prima Food, to Group Executive Chef overseeing 27 restaurants at JP Pepperdine Group. His recent stint as Head of Culinary Consultation and F&B Services at Flame Tree Communications Pte Ltd led him to revamp menus, fine-tune processes, and develop concepts for new F&B start-ups. His exemplary performance garnered an NTUC May Day Partnership Award. In pursuit of skills mastery, Heman frequently participates in culinary competitions and has won several awards at local and regional culinary challenges. He obtained a Certificate of Nutrition and Diet (Healthy Eating Principles), which helped him plan meals for the Health Promotion Board and international athletes from the Singapore Sports School and 3 rd ASEAN School Games. Heman shares his skills not only at masterclasses organised by e2i and NTUC but also with inmates at the Singapore Corporation of Rehabilitative Enterprises—training youths-at- risk to provide them with better opportunities.

Tan Kog Kng
Clinical Director
Living Wholeness Singapore LLP
In her 20-year career in clinical social work and counselling, Tan Kog Kng has received many prestigious awards. She earned the National Day President’s Commendation Award for her work during the SARS crisis, where she designed urgent early care intervention, counselled patients and conducted psychology debriefs for medical staff. Her sheer dedication to this industry won her several awards including the SingHealth Quality Service Gold Award, on top of other quality service awards in Changi General Hospital (CGH) and National University Hospital (NUH). She was the first medical social worker to work with living donors for liver transplants, subsequently making recommendations to the Ministry of Health. For Kog Kng, there is still much to learn. She plans to undertake the Graduate Diploma in Clinical Supervision at the Swinburne University of Technology; hone her clinical social work and counselling skills with Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Trauma Counselling; and earn a Masters in Adult Education / Lifelong Learning by the Institute for Adult Learning. To share her expertise with others, Kog Kng took up the Advanced Certificate in Training and Assessment, and conducted workshops for professionals in healthcare, education, social work and counselling locally and overseas.

Tan Wee Khiang
Assistant Vice President (Stowage Planning)
PSA Corporation Limited
Throughout his career, Tan Wee Khiang has gone from strength to strength by building on his skills in managing terminal operations. Starting as an Operations Executive, he gained experience in various container terminal operations and progressed to Stowage and Yard Planner, leveraging his skills on both stowage and yard planning to synergize the work of both teams and ensure smooth operations. He also contributed to productivity projects that helped optimise and improve processes such as the development of e-platform and Portnet, which streamlines documentation and management process. Knowing that new technology and data analytics are vital to advancing the shipping industry, Wee Khiang intends to deepen his knowledge and redesign PSA’s processes by undertaking a course called “Leading with Big Data Analytics” at the National University of Singapore. He also believes in fostering a culture of learning and personally oversaw the development of projects for the SkillsFuture Earn and Learn Programme for trainees in stowage planning and constantly champions skills upgrading among PSA’s planning specialists.
Teo Boon See (Zhang Wenshi)
Medical Director /Family Physician
Camry Medical Centre
A practising General Practitioner (GP) for 18 years, Boon See has been managing increasingly complex cases, such as elderly with multiple chronic diseases. Medical missions and community clinics have also been a part of Boon See’s medical work, and alongside these, she is pursuing a Fellowship of the College of Family Physicians (FCFP), which she believes will equip her with skills relevant to her various roles. Boon See also hopes to learn more about research in primary care and practise evidence-based medicine. Apart from her day-to- day work, she also takes the time to train the next generation of doctors. She is also an Adjunct Assistant Professor in Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine (YLLSOM), Duke-NUS Medical School and a Clinical Tutor for Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine. In YLLSOM, she revamped a module for students to gain a more hands-on experience in communicating with patients. Her exemplary performance earned her an Outstanding Tutor Award from students.

Teo Lian Choo Geraldine
Group Professional Practices Officer
NTUC First Campus;
Centre Director
The Caterpillar’s Cove Child Development and Study Centre
Starting as an Early Childhood teacher, Geraldine Teo Lian Choo picked up skills on the job, and, within the same year, was appointed Principal supervising the operations of the centre. Armed with leadership skills, she now holds dual appointments as Centre Director in The Caterpillar’s Cove Child Development and Study Centre (TCC), as well as Group Professional Practices Officer in NTUC First Campus (NFC). At TCC, she collaborated with Lekker Architect in building TCC@Jurong East, which subsequently won the President’s Design Award. At NFC, Geraldine ensures quality of childcare units and drives the organisational strategic directions to develop NFC’s leaders. Recognized by the Early Childhood Development Agency (ECDA) for her contribution to the industry, Geraldine was appointed ECDA Fellow. Moving forward, she hopes to set NFC as a model for best ECCE practices and plans to start pilot research projects with NFC to understand the effectiveness of the Skills Framework implementation for ECCE. Deeply involved in the adaptation of the Skills Framework in NFC, Geraldine hopes that this would shine a light on the career path of ECCE professionals. Her contribution as a teacher in polytechnics and universities received a Ngee Ann Polytechnic Academic Award for Excellence in Teaching.

Wong Chow Lee, Thomas
Mentor and Chief Technical Director
Thomas Wong Bespoke Private Limited
Highly regarded as Singapore’s preeminent Master Tailor, Thomas Wong developed his suit- and shirt-making skills by joining various companies in Singapore and Hong Kong. While working at Fatman Singapore Gents Wear Co., he won the confidence of the owner who entrusted him with opening and running his own outlet-Fatman Pte Ltd. In time, Thomas opened his own bespoke tailor shop, The Prestigious, where he meticulously designs customised suits. Thomas also provides consultancy services to tailor shops, and has been a two-time President of the Master Tailor Association Singapore. Being a Master Tailor hasn’t stopped him from deepening his skills and learning best practices through intensive research. He has set his sights on organising an exchange of ideas among fellow master tailors and share insights gained with the next generation of tailors at LASALLE College of the Arts, where he established the menswear and tailoring specialty programme. He also created an apprenticeship programme at Thomas Wong Bespoke Pte Ltd, where he personally coaches junior tailors.

Sim Kiang Lee, Thomas
Group CEO
Topocean Consolidation Service (S) Pte Ltd
Thomas Sim Kiang Lee built his 30-year career in the logistics industry by taking on various roles from operations to senior management. He has shared his immense knowledge about the industry by contributing to books on supply chain management and multi-modal transportation and by facilitating conversations on logistics, locally and overseas. A constant learner, Thomas keeps himself informed about the latest technological applications in supply chain and methodologies in transport management by engaging academicians and practitioners around the world. In order to better impart his knowledge to other logistics practitioners, he plans to take the Training and Adult Education Professional Competency Model (TAEPCM) Programme offered by the Institute for Adult Learning. His contributions to skills development are evident in his various appointments. As Asian Development Bank consultant, he develops training standards for the Central Asia Regional Economic Co-operation. Apart from that, he develops and delivers capacity-building training programmes for industry practitioners in APAC, as a United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) resource trainer. He is also Chairman of the Singapore Logistics Association Training and Development Committee, and was representation at the then- WDA Generic Manufacturing Skills Council. He has also leveraged his skills in developing the training standards for International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations 118-Member Countries, and in creating the International Trading Professional Conversion Programme. In 2017, his efforts and pursuit of lifelong learning has won him an Global Educational Award for the Training-the- Trainers (TOT) Programmes in over 18 African cities for more than 20 years (1996-2017), awarded by the Chairman of the African Union (AU), Mr. Maculay Kalu and the Secretary-General of the AU, Dr. Beatrice Njenga.
Tay Tien Seng
With almost 40 years of experience in Electrical Engineering, Tay Tien Seng started as an Electrical Engineer at the Public Works Department, handling Changi Airport’s electrical system design and implementation. Soon he earned a Professional Engineer certification and joined SMRT Corporation Ltd. as Senior Maintenance Engineer, where his work involved planning and maintaining Singapore’s first railway line. As he continually upgraded his skills, he gained accreditation as Licensed Electrical Engineer (High Tension), the pinnacle of electrical worker licenses. Appointed as Principal Fellow for the Power and Building Services Division, he managed over 300 staff, handling maintenance and asset renewal of power-related equipment in three railway lines. He progressed to Principal Fellow for Systems & Technology, overseeing the renewal and upgrading of Power and Building Services projects.